Why is Nutrition Important for Health ?

Everything start with the way we feed ourselves. We need to quickly understand that our  nutrition has a huge impact on our health our productivity our clearness our internal peace and clarity. 

Eating anything you get under your hand regardless to its further consequences on your health could be very dangerous not now but in the long term.

A healthy diet throughout life promotes healthy pregnancy outcomes, support normal growth, development and ageing, helps to maintain a healthy weight and reduces the risk of chronic diseases leading to overall health and well-being.

 People who regularly eat more foods high in energy, fats, or salt, sodium and do not eat enough fruits, vegetables and foods with whole grains are more likely to develop chronic deseases like diabetes, heart deseases, cancer etc..

What is nutrition ?

 Nutrition is the science that interprets the nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and desease of an organism. It includes ingestion, absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis, catabolism and excretion. 

Good nutrition means your body gets all the nutrients, vitamins and minerals it needs to work its best.
Our body need these specific elements because the great care of  our health comes from the potent care we host to our blood. All these nutrients once they are absorbed in our body gives the blood health, fluidity, sustainability and durability. 
The good nutrition improves the efficiency of our blood which enhance back the ultimate functionability of the organs and help prevent many sorts of deseases and maintains you Healthy and Brighter.
On the flip side the bad nutrition fills up your body and your blood with toxins and and dangerous residue. As result your blood will be dirty and you will be right on the good way to many deseases.

Why Nutrition is life ?

Most of people know that good nutrition and physical activity can help maintain a healthy weight. But the benefits of good nutrition goes beyond weight. 
Good nutrition can help:
 • Reduce the risk of some desease including heart desease, diabetes, stroke, cancer, and osteoporosis
 • Reduce high blood pressure 
 • Lower high cholesterol
 •Improve your well being
 •Improve your ability to fight illness
 •Improve your ability to recover from illness or injuries
 •Increase your energy level.

6 Tips for Eating Healthy

1-Eat plenty of fruits
To get the benefit of the natural fiber in fruit you should eat fruit whole rather than as juice.
2-Eat plenty vegetables 
Eat a variety of colours and types of vegetables every day.

3-Eat plenty of whole grains
At least half of cereals, bread, crakers and pasta you eat should be made from whole grains.

4-Choose Low fat or fat free Milk
These provide calcium and vitamine D to help your bones get more stronger.

5-Choose lean Meat
Lean cuts of meats and poultry have less fat and fewer calories and are good sources of proteins.

6-Try other sources of protein...

Nutrition is not only about feeding our stomach because of hunger or our sweetned desires. It's really specifical about giving our body the right and essential nutrients its need to keep working ultimatly.
When we fail to eat healthy we can succeed moving surely toward deseases.
Eat healthy and take care of your nutrition and your health care will never be an issue for the following years laying ahead.

A good menu is better than a good prescription.
