
Why is Nutrition Important for Health ?

Everything start with the way we feed ourselves. We need to quickly understand that our  nutrition has a huge impact on our health our productivity our clearness our internal peace and clarity.  Eating anything you get under your hand regardless to its further consequences on your health could be very dangerous not now but in the long term. A healthy diet throughout life promotes healthy pregnancy outcomes, support normal growth, development and ageing, helps to maintain a healthy weight and reduces the risk of chronic diseases leading to overall health and well-being.  People who regularly eat more foods high in energy, fats, or salt, sodium and do not eat enough fruits, vegetables and foods with whole grains are more likely to develop chronic deseases like diabetes, heart deseases, cancer etc.. What is nutrition ?  Nutrition is the science that interprets the nutrients and other substances in food in relation to maintenance, growth, reproduction, health and desease of an organism. I